It;s nearly fifteen months ago now...

2013 May 17

Created by Emma McElhinney 9 years ago
It's nearly fifteen months ago now, Since my world came crashing down around me. To face each day I just didn't know how, I'd lost my little boy Callum you see. We'd waited so long for our miracle to come, And were so overjoyed when we were blessed with our Son. He's such a beautiful little boy and perfect in every way, I'd have done anything at all to make God let him stay. Please God make him better and instead take me! But, despite all of our begging he didn't answer our plea. He saw our Callum, so beautiful and pure, And decided he would take him back up through heavens door. I gave up on life for a while, I saw no reason to go on, But, then a ray of hope arrived and I believe a gift from our Son. Along came our rainbow so beautiful and bright, To lighten up our days that had been as dark as night. Our gorgeous Daughter Charlie gave a new reason to survive, I had to take care of myself now, I had to try and strive. It's a long road in which I'm travelling, with twist's and turn's along the way, But, with Callum in my heart and Charlie in my arms I'll always draw the strength from somewhere to face each day. Love you ittle man xxx