The walks starts at 11am so ideally we need to be there for approx 10.30/45, Saturday 1st June
It is 9 miles and you will get wet and muddy so appropriate footwear is to be worn and spare clothes to be taken, The water gets no higher than just above knee level in some areas and for anyone that struggles with the 9 mile walk there is a tractor that you can get on to assist you.
Children can attend providing they can walk that distance (be aware if not you may have to carry them if they are small) and the same rule applies to dogs.
As we have mentioned this walk is for Callums Crusade and if you would like to receive sponsor for this i will obtain sponsor forms for you or can be obtained from Jayne McElhinney or the staff forum.
We will email out again nearer the time as a final reminder and i will send a global email to the business to promote the charity and obtain sponsors.